Jack's schooling as an instrument maker began while he was still a schoolboy he fondly tells of how he would go to the Armstrong factory after school where his father worked, and that he would join his father on the bench to produce components for instruments. It makes a number of pieces which cannot be played, playable! The Murray flute is the logical culmination of Theobal Boehm's work, though it has never really caught on due to its complexity. He built the prototype Murray flutes at the point in time that Armstrong was thinking of putting them into production. When at Armstrong he was involved in building Murray flutes.

Jack Moore's work is legendary the statement widely made in the flute industry is "Jack can build anything". There is a tiny 'ding' in the headjoint tube, so we unfortunately can't list this item as 'brand new' - however this minor cosmetic defect won't be of importance to the player who chooses this fine headjoint. It has never been owned and has not even been listed for sale until now. He sent over the flute with a choice of headjoints, and this is one of them. Just after Jack Moore retired from flute making, we asked him to come out of retirement to make us a flute for a customer who had lost their cherished Jack Moore instrument.